What is nocturnal enuresis?

What is nocturnal enuresis?

Nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary emission of urine during the night. It is not a disease. The only possible consequence is that the child’s self-esteem is affected. It is thus necessary to avoid making him feel guilty.

Age: Nocturnal enuresis generally affects children between 5 and 10 years old.

What to do at home?

  • Remember that bedwetting is involuntary. So it would be unfair and unnecessary to punish or scold your child for wetting the bed. Instead, having a good attitude can act as a positive reinforcement.
  • Try to limit the amount of liquids he drinks during the evening. This includes avoiding caffeinated beverages, such as some soft drinks.
  • Get him used to going to the bathroom before bed.
  • Avoid putting him in a diaper.
  • Place a plastic mattress cover under the bottom sheet to protect the mattress Insert a large towel between the cover and the sheet to help absorb urine.
  • Install a nightlight so he can easily get to the bathroom during the night.
  • To prevent skin irritation, help him take his bath thoroughly in the morning.
  • When your child wets the bed, encourage him or her to help clean up (changing bedding and rinsing out soiled sheets, towels and pajamas, etc.). However, don’t present these tasks as a punishment. Instead, offer to help.
  • Wetting the bed is frustrating and painful for the child as well.
  • Praise him when he doesn’t wet the bed at night.
  • Be supportive.
  • Have realistic expectations. The situation will not be resolved instantly.
  • Don’t punish or humiliate him. It will only make things worse.

If your child is ashamed of wetting the bed, or if you think the situation has gone on too long, consult us for more specific advice.


Are there any treatments?

Since bedwetting is not a disease, it does not usually require medical treatment. However, some children can benefit from a little help, especially when they are over 6 years old and the fact of wetting their bed embarrasses them (e.g.: when they visit their family or friends, when they go to a summer camp, etc.). Specific medications can be prescribed to reduce the amount of urine passed at night.


How can I prevent it ?

You cannot prevent bedwetting