Glaucoma is an eye disease responsible for a progressive and irreversible destruction of the optic nerve, most often caused by excessive pressure inside the eye.

Certain factors favor the emergence of glaucoma:

– The increase of the intraocular pressure

The pressure of the eye is between 14 and 16 mmHg in a healthy individual. Above 21 mmHg, the pressure becomes the main factor favoring glaucoma.

Other factors favoring glaucoma have been identified:

– Myopia: which makes the eye more fragile;

– Age: over 40 years old;

– Heredity: the risk of glaucoma is higher in certain families;

– High blood pressure (HTA);

– Diabetes;

– Taking corticosteroid drugs for a long time;

– Ethnicity: people of black skin and African origin are more likely to develop glaucoma.


When the disease is advanced, glaucoma can be revealed by:

– Eye pain;

– A decrease in the visual field: especially on the sides

– Very red eye with perikeratitis circle: the whole eye is red and a circle of small red vessels forms around the iris;

– Ocular pain: extremely violent, qualified as frightful;

– Rapid decrease in visual acuity: perception of colored halos, loss of vision of forms, “visual fog”;

– Nausea and vomiting: because of the visual deficit.